More and more evidence is revealed nearly every day on how the Biden regme was censoring and eliminating disfavored information and unapproved thoughts immediately after entering office.

This isn’t your daddy’s America anymore.

Via TechnoFog on Substack.

The Biden White House’s demands of COVID-19 censorship began right after the President took power. It was a matter of days. Three days to be exact. Three days before the crimes of thought were to be punished.

On January 23, 2021, a mere three days after Biden was inaugurated, White House officials flagged COVID-19 “misinformation” for removal ASAP – including tweets by activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Biden’s censorship operation was led by Rob Flaherty, the White House director of digital media. And the quickness with which they dispensed demands to suppress speech indicated a prioritization of the Biden Administration to put an end to unwelcome and politically inconvenient thoughts.

By February 2021, just over one month into the Biden Administration, Flaherty was demanding information from Facebook on whether “misinformation” was being removed and whether there was “misinformation” that hadn’t been considered by Facebook’s “removal policies.” You can imagine the purpose of that inquiry: to explore the boundaries of Facebook’s COVID-19 policies so that the White House could suppress compliant, but borderline, posts and videos.

E-mails reveal that Facebook was the most forcefully targeted out of all social media companies. In May 2021, Flaherty chastised the social media giant for allowing COVID-19 disinformation to go viral and accused Facebook of a lack of dedication to the broader censorship effort: “Seems like your ‘dedicated vaccine hesitancy’ policy isn’t stopping the [COVID-19] disinfo dozen.”

Flaherty was also frustrated with Facebook’s failure to obey the Biden White House’s demands that they remove “bad information” from search results, which he deemed to be the easiest things Facebook could do. He questioned their abilities to achieve “the higher bar stuff” because they couldn’t get “that right.” His closing message to Facebook: “I don’t know why you guys can’t figure this out.”

As has been previously reported, Flaherty was also demanding Facebook censor Tucker Carlson, taking issue with Tucker not being part of Facebook’s “reduction” efforts.

Faced with these issues, Flaherty would eventually provide Facebook a series of “recommendations”. He described these as the “crux of their recs” that was circulating the White House – but with the vague qualification that this was not a “White House endorsement of these suggestions.” In using documents and research from outrageously biased organizations like Media Matters (who has slandered us in the past), they demanded a tougher censorship plan that spanned across platforms. These recommendations – again, which came from the White House – also included:

  • Reduction of “the reach of low-quality domains used by prominent anti-vaxxers.”
  • Warnings when users link to or visit domains “known to promote vaccine misinformation.”


The Biden White House’s frustration with Facebook only grew. Another White House official, Andrew Slavitt (he who targeted Alex Berenson), was pressuring Facebook on their response to the White House. He alleged Facebook was not being “straightforward” and that they were “trying to meet a minimum hurdle” instead of trying to solve the COVID-19 misinformation problem.

In that e-mail was also a threat: “Internally [meaning inside the White House] we have been considering our options on what to do about it.


In dealing with Google, however, the Biden Administration praised their ability to suppress by 70% views of content that was “borderline”. The White House had successfully expanded the definition of misinformation and suppressed technically approved content.

Yet Google also got the threats. Rob Flaherty, in addressing the continued issues with combatting vaccine hesitancy, made it clear that President Biden would be informed of their progress – and of their failures:

“We want to be sure that you have a handle on vaccine hesitancy generally and are working toward making the problem better. This is a concern that is shared at the highest (and I mean highest) levels of the WH.”

The Agencies and Bureaucrats would not be outdone.
The actions taken by the Biden Administration aligned with federal agencies like the CDC and FDA, and bureaucrats like Tony Fauci and Francis Collins.

Read the rest here.

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