SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Just because we’ve reached meteorological fall, doesn’t mean that the threat for severe weather completely goes away.

September may mark the beginning of autumn, but it doesn’t mark the end of our severe weather season. There are countless examples to support that claim, especially considering the fact that we’re approaching the 5-year anniversary of one such event: 2019’s Sioux Falls tornadoes.

With that said, let’s take a look at where we stand so far this year.

2024 has seen a good amount of wind reports across the state with 438 as of this writing. That’s nearly reaching our 10-year average. Hail reports are at 193 so far, with 11 tornadoes being confirmed in the state…three of which came less than two weeks ago.

The pattern we have ahead of us simply is not conducive to severe weather events…isolated or otherwise. While we do at least get a few chances for rain by Friday into Saturday, the severe threat is rather low at best.

While we do expect to stay quiet for a little while longer, Mother Nature can be quick to humble us if we get too complacent. So, we’ll have to wait and see if and when she, along with the law of averages, comes around to even the score.

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