First fries, now this.  Is Taco Bell still “Mexican” food . . . and was it EVER?



Taco Bell announced they’re adding CHICKEN NUGGETS to their menu tomorrow.  They’ll be available nationwide for a limited time.



They’re called “Crispy Chicken Nuggets,” coated with a combination of breadcrumbs and crushed-up tortilla chips.  That’s what makes them “Mexican.”



They tested them in Minneapolis last year, then in Houston.  They say they tried out more than 100 different dipping sauces and settled on three.



“Bell Sauce” made with tomatoes, chiles, and garlic . . . “Jalapeño Honey Mustard” . . . and a “Hidden Valley FIRE Ranch” that has “Fire” sauce mixed in.



Their press release says the new nuggets will be available “while supplies last.”



(Today / Food & Wine via Wise Brother Media)

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