DEADWOOD, S.D. (KELO) — Back in late 2023, a popular western South Dakota restaurant burned down.

After over a year of planning and building, the Sugar Shack is closer to opening back up.

The Sugar Shack is known for having some of the best food the Black Hills has to offer, and it could be back open just in time for the summer rush.

A couple of weeks ago the Sugar Shack didn’t even have walls and now they have a roof over their head. And while this is going to be a complete rebuild, they are still working to make sure that the Sugar Shack has the same authentic feel.

They are even working to have the outside resemble parts of the old building.

“I made it bigger so we have more room to work, a little more seating, nothing crazy. We’re kind of going for that old-school look and feel. So like the siding on the front will be that board and batten kind of looks old-school. I mean it’s modern but I’ve tried to keep it as true to the old building as I possibly could,” Owner Trevor Kautzman said.

Customers and staff will also enjoy a lot more space. The new restaurant will be more than three times larger than the original.

“Our staff are going to love it. So we have a huge prep area now in the back, before we prepped up in that tiny little kitchen. I mean, so now just a lot more room, easier to walk around, we were always on top of each other. We made it work, I mean my staff is awesome, we always made it work but a lot more room now,” Kautzman said.

Kautzman said that soon people will be able to enjoy the same food that put this place on the map.

The current timeline is for the Sugar Shack to be up and running around Memorial Day Weekend.

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