STURGIS, S.D. (KELO) — The 84th Sturgis Rally kicks off Friday and will be met with temperatures around 100 degrees.

With the heat, comes the risk of bikers overheating.

Shaya Love made the trip to Sturgis from Omaha. 

She’s here to enjoy the rally, but with decades of experience as a nurse and paramedic, she’s also ready to help if needed. 

“I have a lot of extended medical background so we carry an extensive first-aid kit with us a lot. So we have helped numerous people throughout the years we’ve been here. Whether it was motorcycle accidents, diabetic issues and or heat,” Rally Rider Shaya Love said.

The biggest component for those rallygoers out here already with the temperatures increasing, is to find shade when they can, take breaks as often as possible and make sure they’re stocking up on water.

Over at Hog Heaven Campground, the owner is making sure everyone is safe. 

“Well, we like to keep our crew having plenty of breaks, like to keep water around everywhere we can. You know, there’s plenty of shade out at our campground which is nice. Breaks, things like that. We’ll send some of the guys up to sell ice and water around just to make sure everybody is doing ok,” Hog Heaven Campground Owner Tom Lien said.

Those whose rally plans include alcohol should also be drinking plenty of water as well.

“I would say if you drink two beers, you need to drink a bottle of water. You know, if you’re drinking liquor it’s even more, about one every other one. But in between you can also take and drink some of that Gatorade, you know break it down half strength so it’s not so sugary for you but it’s a lot of electrolytes to take back so that helps a lot,” Love said.

And if something goes wrong, plenty of first responders are ready to help. 

“Sturgis is great, before the rally they are always out here and checking on us, talking about how this all works. They know the layout of the land so I think first responders are really the guys we go to if somebody is really having a problem,” Lien said.

Hydration is key to having a safe time at this year’s Sturgis Rally.

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