FOR RELEASE: Thursday, May 12, 2022


For more information, contact: Audry Ricketts at 605-773-8242 or (South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs)


The South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs will host two Memorial Day programs this year. Both events will be held on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30.


In western South Dakota, the Michael J. Fitzmaurice State Veterans Home will host the Memorial Day program on their campus (2500 Minnekahta Avenue) in Hot Springs.   The program will begin at 10:00 am (MT). Immediately following the program, a lunch will be served by the Custer VFW Auxiliary. If inclement weather occurs, the program will be held at the Mueller Center (801 S. 6th Street) in Hot Springs.


In eastern South Dakota, the South Dakota Veterans Cemetery will host a Memorial Day program, in partnership with the Sioux Falls Veterans Council.  The program will begin at 10:00 am (CT) and will be held at the SD Veterans Cemetery (25965 477th Avenue) in Sioux Falls. River Cities Public Transit will be providing transportation to and from the program. Bus rides to the event will originate at the South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance (1600 W. Russell Street) starting at 8:30 am and will return attendees to the Alliance following the ceremony. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs with them.




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