FOR RELEASE: Monday, April 25, 2022
For more information, contact: Audry Ricketts at 605-773-8242 or [email protected] (South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs)
PIERRE, S.D. – Governor Kristi Noem, in coordination with the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs, has proclaimed May as “National Military Appreciation Month,” a time for all to honor, remember, recognize, and appreciate those who have served in the past and those now serving, as well as their families.
“The vigilance of the members of the Armed Forces has been instrumental to the preservation of freedom, security, and prosperity enjoyed by the people of this great nation,” Governor Noem said in her proclamation. “Our Armed Forces depend on the dedicated service of its members and their families.”
National Military Appreciation Month includes Loyalty Day on May 1st, Military Spouse Appreciation Day on May 6th, Victory in Europe Day on May 8th, Armed Forces Day on May 21st, and Memorial Day on May 30th. May is also Gold Star Awareness Month and provides us the opportunity to pay tribute to the families of our fallen heroes.
“The month of May provides an opportunity to appreciate those who serve and have served,” said Greg Whitlock, secretary of the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs. “These men and women continue to play a major role in the development of our country documented through a history of uncompromising honor, dedication to duty, and genuine love of country.”
For generations, brave Americans have stepped forward and answered our country’s call to serve in our Armed Forces. With honor and distinction, our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen fight to defend the principles upon which our country was founded. Behind these courageous Americans stand spouses, children, and parents who give up precious time with their loved ones, bearing the burden of long deployments and difficult moves, and oftentimes putting their careers on hold. During National Military Appreciation Month, we salute the families of those who proudly are a part of our Nation’s unbroken chain of patriots for their unwavering devotion, and we renew our sacred vow to uphold our promise to our troops, our veterans, and their families.
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