For Immediate Release

June 30, 2022

Contact: Tony Mangan


Expansion of Bright Start Program Taking Effect



PIERRE, S.D. – On Friday, July 1, the statewide expansion of Governor Kristi Noem’s Bright Start program will take effect. Bright Start provides nursing services and more for eligible moms through pregnancy until their child’s 2nd birthday.



“Bright Start helps us to take care of both moms and their babies both before birth and after,” said Governor Kristi Noem. “South Dakota will continue exploring more ways to walk alongside pregnant moms and help them through whatever situation they may face.”



Due to ongoing funding in Governor Noem’s budget, Bright Start will now be available statewide. Previously, the program had been available in Spearfish, Belle Fouche, Rapid City, Pine Ridge, Huron, Aberdeen, and Sisseton.



You can learn more about Bright Start here.




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