FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, June 14, 2022

CONTACT: Tony Mangan, Public Information Officer, 605-773-6196



 Names Released In Deuel County Fatal Crash


What:    Vehicle-Bicycle Crash

Where:  Interstate 29, mile marker 149

              17 miles north of Brookings, S.D.

When:   11:52 a.m., Thursday, June 9, 2022


Driver No. 1: Mark Akkerman, 65, Brandon, S.D., No Injuries

Vehicle: 2015 International Straight Truck


Driver No. 2: Jean-Pierre Petit, 53, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, Fatal Injuries

Vehicle: Krypton Argon 18-Speed Bicycle



BROOKINGS, S.D. –  A 53-year-old man from Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada has died as a result of injuries sustained last Thursday in a vehicle-bicycle crash north of Brookings.


Preliminary crash information indicates Jean-Pierre Petit, 53, was riding his Krypton Argon 18-speed bicycle southbound along the fogline of Interstate 29 when he was struck by a southbound 2015 International straight truck. The cyclist, who was wearing a helmet, sustained life-threatening injuries and was eventually transported to a Sioux Falls hospital. He died there on Monday, June 13, 2022.


Mark Akkerman of Brandon, S.D., the 65-year-old driver of the truck, was wearing a seatbelt and was not injured. Charges are pending.


South Dakota’s Highway Patrol is investigating the crash. All information released so far is only preliminary.


The Highway Patrol is an agency of the South Dakota Department of Public Safety.




Note: Records of state-reportable crashes are now available at  Records should be available about 10 days after the investigation is complete.


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