SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO/AP) —  21-year-old Mohamed Mohamed of Sioux Falls will be one of 20 delegates representing South Dakota at August’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The soon-to-be-junior at the University of South Dakota is the youngest of the 20.

“It feels, now with everything that has changed with the political landscape, it feels energizing to be able to go there,” Mohamed said.

While President Joe Biden has decided to not run for reelection, he has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to succeed him in the White House. Now, the focus is on the Democratic Party’s formal selection of her as its nominee. Harris has Mohamed’s clear support.

“We’re seeing the benefits from her candidacy already, and it’s energized Democrats,” Mohamed said. “It’s energized young people like myself.”

“For a lot of us this is our first convention,” said Shane Merrill, who lives in the Parker, S.D. area and is chair of the South Dakota Democratic Party. “There’s some that have went to a couple before, so we’re leaning heavy on them, of course in our delegation, but for most of us this is our first time.”

Merrill will be a delegate as well. From his perspective, Harris stands alone.

“I don’t know that there is anybody else,” Merrill said.

While Jessica Meyers of Sioux Falls will soon be a delegate at the DNC, too, she’s already looking well past the convention when discussing her support for Harris.

“She is well-qualified, and I have full confidence that when she wins the election that we are going to be in good hands and South Dakota will be better because of her in the presidency,” said Meyers, who is vice chair of the state Democratic Party.

As of Monday evening, an Associated Press survey shows that Harris already has the support of more than two-thirds of the delegates she’ll need for the nomination. The convention begins on Aug. 19.

The South Dakota Democratic Party on Monday night announced that all 20 delegates have endorsed Harris.

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