Part 1: Covid’s Warning (the metaphysical, the incompetent, the sinister)
Part 2: Yes, Consciousness might [indeed!] interact with Dark Matter/Energy
Part 3: Mr. Trump Meets with Lord Voldemort (but it’s for a good cause)
Here we are little Buckaroos; taking a peek over the edge, or simply a stroll around the crater; your edge, your crater, little Wokies. The end of this present Piscean Era is upon us; Donald Trump is indeed, that Tip of the Spear I penned in 2020.
You Dimsheviks and Hard-Leftys are out of ammo; you bought-up and spent most of the Ukraine-Pelosi-Obama-Clinton-Soros Cartel’s money….and more importantly, schemes to fleece that dumbbell-shaped demographic of yours. The “High-IQ Stupid People” on 1-end, and the out-and-out parasite classes on the other end.
The Trumpster is 3 benches away lifting the Big Boy Weights. He stole your idea-weights; the ones still liftable, the ones that hadn’t caught the rot of your 30+ years of, “Let’s Hate America” crusade. They’re in rehab right now.
You ask: what were those ‘idea-weights’, Wild Bill? Answer: Big Labor, Made-in-America, Latinos & Blacks tired of being professional victims, powerless local taxpayers in Crazytown-places like Tucson, normal women & mothers disgusted of the multi-colored sexual deviates claiming their feminine authenticity, etc. etc.
You walked away from your base, Jackass-brains. You drank ALL the Piscean Kool-aid.
“Can’t Run with the Big Dogs if You Gonna Pee like a Puppy”
This is why it will work; like Reagan, the “force is with Trump”. Don’t doubt that for a second; Trump is a reversion to the Theodore Roosevelt wing of Republicanism, upgraded for tech. But unlike Teddy, who could simply vanish in his time for the Dakotas, right after his wife died in childbirth and his Mom died, both on the same day, Trump had to stick around. You couldn’t take him out; you couldn’t find those mysterious extra 10 million votes Biden got in 2020, campaigning from his basement with a teleprompter and that “shock-you-awake” executive model, sex-toy.
Mr. Trump stuck around for 4 years and took a MASSIVE RATION of lawfare and simple horse manure……….. Now he’s back; and damn, if he isn’t a quick study!
What Mr. Trump does, and the Piscean Wokies cannot comprehend, is he holds people, organizations, and nation-states accountable. In so doing, he is preparing America for what comes after the Piscean Era; the one we’re shortly leaving (see Part 2 above); let me further describe what’s coming:
- It will be a highly competitive world as new technologies force global governments to “root, hog, or die”, make do with less or face vast popular dissent, and AI makes this possible.
- A new realism about who’s-cheating-who in global affairs, and the nationalistic willingness to demand it stop or suffer the consequences. If you’re going to govern your nation responsibly, do so, or suffer great disruption.
- A new, intensely personalized view of one’s own persona; devoid of any external fantasies (the usual Piscean rotgut idiocy, mfg’d in Hollywood & Madison Ave.). Not a navel-gazing detachment, more like one of Grizzly Adams, and the classic American pioneer spirit.
Also this supreme caveat: “What was concealed; now gets revealed”: And it will be shocking to billions worldwide. But hey, maybe it’s time for Planet Earth to grow-up? That’s the bad news.
The good news is …it’ll be a forced renewal of man’s nature as a social and communal animal, something electronic media increasingly dictated in our current modern, distracted, transient age, but has since gone flat in the refrigerator, like rotting [Piscean] fish. It will get supplied by another source: ourselves.
We shall all come to understand on a massive planetary level an immutable truth, …one that all of us are actually way-way more alike, than we are different.
“Strap-in Buckaroos, This Ride May Get Wild in the Early-Going.” [obligatory warning sign]
Sellers is a Southpark, Roosevelt-Republican (TR) living in incorporated Oro Valley; his background is federal technology commercialization, and administers the private group, Tucson E-P-T News, on Facebook