SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Skaters across Sioux Falls rejoice — the Barb Iverson Skate Plaza officially opened Thursday. City officials say it is one of the largest in the country.
Thursday was Ollie Ollerton’s first time at Sioux Falls’ newest skate park.
My first impressions of it, I can just say I like it a lot, and it’s smooth,” Ollerton said.
Nora Kleinsasser is thrilled about using the ramps and even trying out the much steeper bowl area.
“I’m super duper excited because I’ve just really wanted this skate park for a long time,” Nora Kleinsasser said.
The skate park has features for people of all skill levels, and it will help build a community of skaters.
“Most of them are nice to you. Most of the skateboarders are welcoming to other skateboarders, so that’s nice. That’s always fun,” Ollerton said.
“The skate community is actually great around here, so we’re excited to partake,” Jessica Kleinsasser said.
And it should be a nice space for people to gather in the Whittier area.
“It’ll just give people another opportunity to go outside and have fun,” Nora Kleinsasser said.
“It’s great for this neighborhood, but for the whole town. Skating is such a reachable thing for people. People can just come out and skate. They don’t have to join a team and go through all the stuff, so it’s accessible for people and yeah, it’s just a great place to gather,” Jessica Kleinsasser said.
Let’s Skate will host a picnic Friday night, and there will be some professional skaters at the park Saturday afternoon. Click here for more information.