SIOUX FALLS S.D. (KELO) — Sioux Falls Police are investigating an unattended death near the southeast side of the city.

Spokesman Sam Clemens said officers are in the early stages of investigating the death of a man, who was found on March 16 around 3:45 in the morning near east Siasconset Place.

“We investigate all unattended deaths, some of those maybe medical issues, some may involve a crime,” Clemens said.

Clemens said an autopsy has been completed, but police are waiting on the toxicology report. The coroner determines the manner of death.

Circumstances are unusual, Clemens said, and the detective is asking anyone with information about the death to call police or crime stoppers. Clemens could not say whether the death is suspicious.

“We don’t have enough facts to support one thing or the other,” Clemens said.

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