How To Create SEO-Optimized eLearning Courses To Increase Sign-Ups
Your entire eLearning course may not be readily available to the public. After all, the goal is to encourage prospects to sign up and pay for the privilege of accessing your valuable eLearning content. However, there are still ways to increase enrollments through the power of SEO and keyword-rich descriptions in articles that promote eLearning courses without resorting to sales pitches. Here are 8 top tips to develop SEO-optimized eLearning courses to increase sales and reach your target market.
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Increase Your eLearning Course Sign Ups With SEO
Learn how to reach your target buyers with SEO. Top tips and latest strategies to rule the SERPs!
1. Identify Your eLearning Course “Buzzwords”
Anyone can pick out relevant keywords and incorporate them into their eLearning course marketing materials. However, buzzwords are harder to come by. These are the words that center on hot topics and trends; preferably, not passing fads and search terms that are highly targeted to your audience. For instance, “advanced negotiation strategies and skills courses.” You can also focus on more attention-grabbing buzzwords that appeal to your target market, such as industry-specific jargon that indicates your eLearning course is intended for them and their training needs.
Choosing the right keywords is one thing. And content marketing takes time to bring results. Do you need to take immediate action? Then you can increase enrollments by reading all about how to promote online training courses.
2. Create An Honest Audience-Specific Title
You want to create a headline or title that makes them take notice. Βut it shouldn’t make false promises that the eLearning content can’t keep. Be honest and audience-specific when developing your eLearning course title and all your marketing material headers. Include who the eLearning course is designed for, and how they can benefit from it. Include your primary keywords to improve your SERP rankings and attract the ideal prospects.
Learn how an SEO competitor analysis can help you find interesting eLearning topics to reach your target buyers.
3. Incorporate Targeted Keywords Into Your eLearning Course Description
You can only include so many keywords in your title before it becomes unreadable (or you venture into keyword-stuffing territory). However, the eLearning course description and summary gives you the opportunity to improve your SEO and offer more clarity. For example, tell prospective online learners exactly what they’ll gain from the eLearning course and how they’ll be able to use the information to achieve specific goals. You should also create a succinct meta description so that searchers can quickly review your eLearning course in the results page.
Need to get better SERP rankings for eLearning courses? Here’s how to improve SEO content writing skills in the eLearning niche.
4. Write For Humans, Not Search Bots
Many online marketers make the mistake of including so many hashtags, keywords, and other SEO tools that prospects lose interest. This is not the way to build a successful content marketing campaign, though. Prospects know that it’s written for search bots instead of actual humans, which diminishes the value and makes it less likely that they’ll sign up for your eLearning course. Bear in mind that all your marketing materials, description, etc., are indicative of your eLearning course content. You don’t want them thinking that your eLearning course is also written for search bots instead of people. Be organic and genuine!
5. Offer Sneak Previews Of SEO-Optimized Online Resources
Even if you aren’t publishing an entire SEO-optimized eLearning course that’s free to the public, you can still give them a taste of what’s to come, thereby generating more interest and improving your online visibility. Offer sneak previews of your eLearning activities, modules, and resources so that they can evaluate the quality. This also helps to attract the right audience and enhance SEO. It can be something as simple as a slideshow or demo video, complete with metadata.
A good solution would be to publish a lead generation eBook about your expertise and increase your course sales through it. Or even use webinar marketing and prompt attendees to enroll in your amazing eLearning course!
6. Publish SEO-Optimized Articles To Promote Your eLearning Course
The eLearning course itself isn’t the only SEO tool at your disposal. You can also publish articles that contain targeted keywords to promote your eLearning course. The secret is to creatively market what your eLearning experience has to offer without making it seem too gimmicky. For instance, the article features tips on how salespeople can seal more deals, then include a call to action for your cross-selling or negotiation eLearning course.
Sure, creating relevant content is key when promoting your eLearning courses. However, you have to keep an eye on the conversions as well.
For more info, please read our guide on conversion rate optimization.
7. Monitor Metrics And Fine-Tune Underperformers
You won’t know which SEO techniques are working until you monitor engagement and conversion rates. For example, a social media article is performing far better than a published article. It’s even getting more traffic than the eLearning course landing page that includes the SEO description/summary. Take a closer look at why the article is getting more views and online learner interest. Then figure out how you can custom-tailor your content marketing strategy to improve online visibility. It may simply be a matter of misalignment with your target audience. For instance, you’re gearing your buzzwords toward a more generalized crowd when you should be focusing on your niche.
Checking how your content marketing performs is crucial. If you want to learn more, here are some tips on how to measure content marketing performance.
8. Update Your eLearning Course Listings Regularly
One of the best ways to promote your SEO-optimized eLearning course is by adding it to an online directory or eLearning marketplace. You’re able to showcase your USPs, benefits, and price points, all in one place. However, this also means you’ll have to update your listings regularly to incorporate new features, topics, or eLearning course add-ons, and appeal to newly discovered audiences. For instance, metrics reveal that you’re not tapping into a certain demographic, even though they’re visiting your landing page often. Integrate your keywords and see how they perform, then make minor adjustments when needed. Your eLearning marketplace listing will be indexed in the SERPs, and you don’t want to get lost in the crowd. The right titles, meta tags, and targeted keywords ensure that your listing shows up at the top…and gets your eLearning course the attention it deserves.
Promote Your eLearning Course On A Budget
Leverage our digital marketing powerhouse and let the world know about your amazing course!
SEO-optimized eLearning courses can increase sign-ups and sales. However, you have to know how to walk the fine line between self-promotion and value-added eLearning content. For example, online learners aren’t necessarily looking for a long sales pitch when they click on an article. They want information that helps them in their daily lives. If you offer that to them, they grow to trust your brand and are more likely to enroll when the time is right.
Is it really possible to find new customers using content marketing methods? Can clickbait get your visitors to actually buy something and boost your conversion rates? Is a free-flowing funnel really the best approach to content marketing? Download our free eBook The Ultimate Guide To A Winning Content Marketing Strategy to find out what inbound marketing is, how to qualify leads and boost your conversion rates, how content marketing can help you generate B2B leads, how to determine KPIs and measure marketing success, and much more.