MADISON, WI… Criminal justice initiatives protecting our families from becoming victims of fake AI-generated pornography, sex trafficking, and theft advanced in the State Legislature today.

“These common-sense initiatives, a package designed to protect our families from being victimized by a range of criminals, should pass the Legislature with wide bipartisan support,” Sen. Jacque said.  “Crime victims are often changed by the trauma and bear long-lasting scars for the rest of their lives.”

Sen. Jacque’s Criminal Justice Package includes:

Cracking Down on “Deep Fake” Pornography (Senate Bill 15) – Victims whose images are unknowingly twisted into synthetic “deep fake” pornography for display on social media or other distribution would receive stronger legal protections under bipartisan legislation that overwhelmingly passed a Senate committee in a 7-1 vote.

Life Sentences for Child Sex Traffickers (Assembly Bill 86) – Child sex traffickers would spend the rest of their lives in prison with no chance for parole under legislation passed in the State Assembly in a bipartisan voice vote, after passing committee unanimously.

“The trafficking of children is a brutal form of modern slavery,” Sen. Jacque said.  “Life imprisonment is necessary to deter these criminals and keep our children safe.”

Protecting Adults at Risk (Senate Bill 15) – Vulnerable members of our society that have been targeted by criminals would receive stronger protections under a proposal that cleared a Senate committee in a strong bipartisan 7-1 vote.

Stopping Thieves (Assembly Bill 89) With violent “smash and grab” retail thefts on the rise, the Assembly passed, in a broad bipartisan 71-26 vote, legislation to deter these criminals by making it easier for local authorities to levy felony theft charges against repeat offenders.

“Led by organized gangs that resell stolen goods, these brazen criminals repeatedly victimize our neighborhoods and terrorize business owners,” Sen. Jacque said.  “This mayhem leaves us with more violence in our communities, and higher retail prices in our stores.”

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