Work started Friday (July 12, 2024) on a $2.12 million, multi-location polymer deck seal project south of Fort Pierre and Pierre.

The contractor started on S.D. Highway 1806 in Lyman County, grinding bridge decks over Straight and Cedar Creek. That’s followed by:

  • the bridge deck over Bull Creek on S.D. Highway 47 in Brule County
  • the bridge decks on U.S. Highway 14, east of Cottonwood in Haakon and Jackson Counties

Once the decks have been ground, crews will return to each structure for deck patching and placement of the polymer deck seal. The deck grinding will take approximately one week to perform while the deck patching and polymer decks seals should be complete by the end of next month (Aug. 2024), weather permitting.

During all operations, traffic will be carried through the work zones with the use of stop and go signage at the bridges. The traveling public can expect minor delays during these times.

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