A high number of seabirds are getting sick in Huntington Beach due to a toxic algal bloom, according to the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center.

The wildlife center said that the algae that is making these birds sick is “Pseudo-nitzschia, which produces a kainic acid-type neurotoxin known as domoic acid (DA).”

The domoic acid is likely a result of the toxic ash that washed into the ocean following the recent January wildfires, the wildlife center said. 

In small amounts, DA is not much of an issue, but in the cases of rapid onset algae blooms it can reach a dangerous level. 

DA can lead to amnesic shellfish poisoning if it is ingested by a person, the wildlife center said. And in birds, it can cause imbalance, difficulty with walking and flying, and seizures. 

“Domoic acid poisoning in wildlife can be lethal if left untreated,” the wildlife center said. “Please keep your eyes out for any wildlife showing signs of distress or appearing in places where they normally wouldn’t, such as pelicans on the street.”

The wildlife center encourages people to take a picture and if possible, get a GPS coordinate to report any injured or ill animals as soon as possible.

This comes as other animals are also getting sick due to the toxic algae along the Los Angeles County coast.

Sea lions have been reported sick for the same reason, and last week, dolphins also washed ashore along the coast, according to the Marine Mammal Care Center (MMCC). 

The MMCC is operating in “crisis mode” as they work with the high volume of sick animals at their location. 

“We have over 60 patients right now, including some of our pups that were received earlier this year, but the majority of our patients are recovering from domoic acid toxicosis,” said Dave Bader, MMCC’s chief operating officer.

The MMCC encourages people to keep a safe distance from stranded animals and to contact the rescue hotline immediately if they encounter a mammal in distress at 1-800-39-WHALE.

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