SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — On March 13, the South Dakota Department of Health (DOH) confirmed to KELOLAND that the office of Medical Cannabis Program Administrator was vacant, and that it is recruiting to fill the position.
This has been a reoccurring process for the DOH since voters approved medical marijuana in South Dakota in November 2020. Kerr was the fourth administrator of the program, and the state now seeks a 5th within as many years.
The first person to hold the position was Geno Adams, who had previously been the Fisheries Program Administrator for the Department of Game, Fish & Parks. Adams confirmed to KELOLAND that he was leaving the DOH position in August of 2022.
The next person to take the role was Chris Qualm, who started in the position in October of 2022. In May of 2023, 9-months after taking the position, the DOH told KELOLAND that Qualm had retired.
Taking over for Qualm, as of May 2023, was Jennifer Sealey, who had previously been RN Clinical Supervisor for the DOH at the South Dakota Women’s Prison. Sealey passed away in October of 2023 in Denver on the way home from a family vacation, according to her obituary.
Kerr was the 4th administrator, and her position was posted by the state on March 12. The salary range for the position is $87,941 – $103,460/year, up from $79,870.26 – $84,568.51 in 2022.
KELOLAND News spoke with Republican Sen. Jim Mehlhaff, who served on the Medical Marijuana Oversight Committee. Asked what may lead to increased turnover in the position of program admin, he called it a challenging and thankless position, pointing to difficult language and the challenges of administering a program for a drug which is legal on the federal level.
Mehlhaff said it was a job he would not want to do, and that the administrators had done the best they could.
KELOLAND News reached out to the DOH to ask about the turnover at the position, and to confirm vacancy dates. We have not yet heard back.