Girls scores:

Sioux Falls Roosevelt- 39 Rapid City Central- 35

Harrisburg- 54 Huron- 53

Belle Fourche- 59 Douglas- 21

Sioux Falls Washington- 74 Pierre- 53

Winner- 53 Gregory- 41

Cheyenne-Eagle Butte- 52 Chamberlain- 41 (2OT)

Parkston- 58 Miller- 27

Faulkton Area- 53 North Central- 38

Kadoka Area- 76 Colome-19

Bennett County- 57 Wall- 47

Boys scores:

Sioux Falls Washington- 77 Pierre- 73 (OT)

Huron- 69 Harrisburg- 64 (OT)

Douglas- 50 Belle Fourche- 40

Watertown- 58 Great Plains Lutheran- 36

Sioux Falls Christian- 75 Hamlin- 60

Parkston- 57 Miller- 50

Wall- 67 Bennett County- 19

For all the scores from around the state yesterday, follow this link:

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