Girl’s scores:

Pierre 63, Huron 35

Harrisburg 53, Tea Area 45

O’Gorman 71, Sioux Falls Lincoln 28

Watertown 50, Sioux Falls Jefferson 37

Brandon Valley 69, Sioux Falls Washington 62

Mitchell 42, Aberdeen Central 33

Spearfish 48, Sturgis 19

Sioux Falls Roosevelt 45, Brookings 31

Hill City 57, Douglas 39

Mobridge-Pollock 66, Timber Lake 38

Burke 47, Bon Homme 40

Mt. Vernon-Plankinton 45, Miller 42

RC Christian 57, Belle Fourche 50

North Central 50, Stanley County 20

North Central, NE 43, Colome 19

Ipswich 59, Aberdeen Christian 17

White River 69, Lower Brule 39

Sanborn-Central Woonsocket 61, Wagner 44

Highmore-Harrold 44, Hitchcock-Tulare 40

Wessington Springs 44, Platte-Geddes 27

Corsica-Stickney 41, Kimball-White Lake 28

Philip 45, Jones County 40

Northwestern 37, Webster Area 36

Lyman 47, Gregory 20

Faulkton Area 58, Potter Co. 40

Faith 48, Lemmon 43

Boys scores:

Pierre 60, Huron 50

Brandon Valley 56, Sioux Falls Washington 53

Sioux Falls Roosevelt 73, Brookings 54

Sioux Falls Jefferson 59, Watertown 33

Mitchell 53, Aberdeen Central 44

Harrisburg 66, Tea Area 59

Sioux Falls Lincoln 55, O’Gorman 44

Douglas 68, Hot Springs 28

Spearfish 64, Sturgis 60

Deuel 56, Sioux Valley 52 (OT)

Todd Co. 63, Bennett Co. 56

Groton Area 92, Leola-Frederick Area 65

Crow Creek 55, Chamberlain 49

Winner 70, St. Francis Indian 41

Miller 63, Mt. Vernon-Plankinton

Northwestern 66, Webster Area 55

Bon Homme 51, Burke 45

Hamlin 65, Aberdeen Roncalli 30

RC Christian 77, Belle Fourche 36

St. Thomas More 76, Mahpiya Luta 51

Lemmon 66, South Heart, ND 34

Aberdeen Christian 49, Ipswich 36

North Central, NE 75, Colome 28

Todd Co. 63, Bennett Co. 56

Sully buttes 77, Herreid-Selby Area 38

Lyman 60, Kimball-White Lake 43

New Underwood 80, Kadoka Area 51

Hitchcock-Tulare 55, Highmore-Harrold 53

For a full list of scores from around the state, click here




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