SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — KELOLAND News is getting a look inside Sanford Health’s new Virtual Care Center that is set to open next week.
The new center is located in northwest Sioux Falls, just off Interstate 29 on the Sanford Sports Complex.
The building is part of Sanford’s Virtual Care initiative is an effort to find new ways of providing health care in rural communities.
“We continue to expand the services that we offer virtually, reducing the burden of travel and expense for our patents,” said Susan Berry, Vice President of Virtual Care.
“We know a lot is changing in technology in health care right now and we have the facilities to accommodate that and really provide the best for our care givers and our patients,” said Katie Pohlson, Vice President of Innovation.
Sanford will use the new facility for several aspects of virtual care, including support services and education.
During our tour, we got a look at some of the new technology that will be used.
“So this is our virtual or augmented reality training space. We’re using some new techniques in our training of our clinicians and our next generation health care workers. One of which is a virtual reality headset which will provide a more immersive experience for our clinicians and our employees,” said Susan Berry.
The Sanford Virtual Care Center officially opens on Tuesday.