The South Dakota Department of Transportation says a $1.6 million chip seal and fog seal project is scheduled to begin next week on SD Highway 204 and SD Highway 1804 north of Pierre.
Crews will begin chip seal and fog seal projects on Monday (July 18, 2022). The project length is approximately two miles on Highway 204 and 31 miles on Highway 1804, beginning at mile marker 251.
On the two-lane routes receiving a chip seal and fog seal, the traffic will be reduced to one lane and guided through the project with the use of flaggers and a pilot car. A delay of up to 15 minutes can be expected while traveling through the work area during daytime hours.
Loose gravel could be present for a period of 36 to 72 hours after each day’s chip seal application. Traffic should travel at 40 mph or the speed limit, whichever is less, during this time frame. The chip seal will take approximately five days and the fog seal two days to complete. The permanent pavement marking is scheduled to be applied within 14 days of completion of the chip & fog seal projects.
Weather dependent, the contractor will move from one project to the next in the following order:
- Project begins at the turnoff to Cow and Spring Creek and proceeds south to Highway 204.
- Sealing of Highway 204 in its entirety is then planned.
- Project will seal Highway 1804 to the junction of US Highway 14.
- Contractor then proceeds back north to the end of the project and finishes the remaining leg to Cow and Spring Creek.