SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — South Dakota Gov. Larry Rhoden’s address to lawmakers Tuesday was an autobiographical opportunity for the soon-to-be 66-year-old rancher.
“Even today, I’m still happiest when I’m working with my hands,” Rhoden said. “It’s how I relax. When I get home, I head to the shop, and I go to work. I make branding irons and custom tools for ranching, among many other things.”
The man who has served as majority leader, assistant majority leader, majority whip and lieutenant governor laid out his political philosophy as well… one which easily could have been part of a speech delivered by his predecessor, Kristi Noem.
“I believe the government is best that is limited, and I trust our people to exercise their personal freedoms and responsibilities,” Rhoden said.
The state’s Native American tribes and the executive branch in Pierre have experienced rocky relationships in recent years, but on Tuesday Rhoden reiterated a call for a restart.
“We’ve had our ups and downs over the years, but I am asking our tribal leaders to make a fresh start with me,” Rhoden said.
And in perhaps the harshest terms shared in his address, Rhoden focused on the state’s aging penitentiary.
“We also need to take action on the prison,” Rhoden said. “Let me tell you: I walked through that penitentiary just a few weeks ago, and it needs to go. It is gothic inside. It looked like it hadn’t changed for decades. There are rooms with concrete crumbling from the ceilings. We are double-bunking in tiny cells built for one person.”
But when it comes to intense words and passionate interests, Rhoden is asking for courtesy… and perspective.
“I want South Dakota to show how politics can and should be conducted,” Rhoden said. “My first year here was 24 years ago. When you look back on your time here, 10 or 20 years from now, I bet you don’t remember the bill numbers or the votes. You will remember the people you served with. You will remember the difference that you made in people’s lives. So, let’s all pledge to be civil and work together.”
It’s a call that resonated with lawmakers who shared their reaction to Rhoden’s address with KELOLAND News after its conclusion.
“I also really enjoyed his emphasis on civility,” Republican Sen. David Wheeler of Huron said. “It’s an important topic that we always have to be mindful of in the legislature, to maintain relationships and be able to disagree with each other, be able to get along and work with each other the next day.”
“I was excited about pushing civility, really working together, his communication and working as much as possible with the legislature and the transparency and whatnot,” Democratic Rep. Nicole Uhre-Balk of Rapid City said. “Super exciting.”