Madison…Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) announced the Assembly Co-chair and Vice-chair appointments to the state’s budget writing Joint Finance Committee.

Speaker Vos has asked Rep. Mark Born (R-Beaver Dam) to once again lead the committee as JFC co-chair.

“Rep. Born has a wealth of experience crafting conservative state budgets. I know he will once again serve our caucus well as we build a budget Wisconsin can be proud of,” said Speaker Vos.

The Speaker also appointed Tony Kurtz (R-Wonewoc) to serve as the new vice-chair of the committee. He will replace outgoing vice-chair Terry Katsma.

“Rep. Kurtz has served on the Joint Finance committee since 2021 and has been an excellent member. His leadership skills, experience and commitment to fiscal conservatism make him a perfect choice for this position,” said Vos. “I am confident that together, Reps Born and Kurtz will work with their colleagues on the Joint Finance Committee to always put taxpayers first.”

The remainder of the JFC membership will be announced at a later date.

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