March 18, 2025
(608) 237-9169 

MADISON – Today, Representative Karen Hurd (R-Withee) voted with her Assembly Republican colleagues to approve Assembly Bill (AB) 24. This proposal would require county sheriffs to attempt to verify the citizenship status of individuals held in their jails for a felony offense. The bill also requires sheriffs to comply with detainers and administrative warrants issued by the federal government. After the passage of AB 24, Rep. Hurd issued the following statement:

“One of the issues I hear a lot about from my constituents is illegal immigration. While immigration is primarily a federal issue, there are still some areas where state and local governments can help. One way is by having local law enforcement, like our county sheriffs, partner with federal law enforcement to keep illegal immigrants who commit felonies off our streets. While many of our sheriffs already do this, some refuse to do so, making all Wisconsinites less safe. By requiring our sheriffs to cooperate with the federal government, we are helping to keep our communities safe.”

AB 24 now advances to the State Senate for further consideration.

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