Public open houses about the U.S. Highway 212/Forest City Bridge Corridor and Environmental Study are being held this week in Eagle Butte and Gettysburg.

The corridor being studied includes Highway 212 from the junction with BIA Highway 8 to the junction with S.D. Highway 1804.

The South Dakota Department of Transportation, in collaboration with the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe and the Federal Highway Administration, will provide the updates.

Monday’s (Aug. 5, 2024) meeting in Eagle Butte is from 5:30-7:30pm MT at the Cheyenne-Eagle Butte Elementary School (2004 E St.).

Tuesday’s (Aug. 6, 2024) meeting in Gettysburg is from 5:30-7:30pm CT at Gettysburg High School (100 King Ave. E.).

Public meeting information is available on the study website at

For more information, contact Steve Gramm, Planning Engineer, at 605-773-3281 or via email at [email protected].

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