President Donald Trump during a rally in Phoenix in 2020. (Photo by Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons)

The Democrats are spiraling into chaos, obsessing over President Trump rather than presenting any real solutions to the problems facing Arizona and America. With their failed policies on full display, they’ve resorted to laughably trying to copy Trump’s successful playbook. But Arizona voters can see through this charade. They know who delivered results and who continues to fight for them.

As the Republican nominee for Congress, I can tell you this: the Arizona Republican Party is more unified than ever, and our pathway to victory in 2024 is clear. With President Trump, Kari Lake, and the full backing of our party—including former Governor Doug Ducey, who has endorsed Kari Lake—we are ready to deliver a decisive win for the people of Arizona.

I’ve seen this playbook succeed firsthand. In my previous campaign, I spent less money than my opponents, yet emerged victorious by focusing on what matters most: knowing my voters, speaking directly to them, and building a strong grassroots coalition. That same strategy will be key for President Trump and Kari Lake. Arizona voters don’t want empty promises or radical liberal policies that are out of touch with our state’s values—they want leaders who will deliver real results, just as we’ve done before.

Border Security: Arizona’s Frontline

President Trump recently joined JD Vance at the Arizona border to once again highlight the stark contrast between our approach and that of the Biden-Harris administration. Under Kamala Harris’s disastrous leadership as “Border Czar,” millions of illegal immigrants have flooded into the country, accompanied by terrorists, human traffickers, and drug cartels. Border security has collapsed.

Compare that to President Trump’s record: during his administration, border crossings hit historic lows. The “Remain in Mexico” policy was effective, and Trump ended the dangerous “catch and release” practice that allowed migrants to disappear into the country. By building the wall and enforcing the law, Trump protected our communities and restored order at the southern border. Kari Lake and I stand with him in demanding that we return to those proven policies. Arizona is a frontline state in this battle, and we cannot afford another four years of open-border chaos. Voters know that only a Trump-led administration can restore order and security, putting Arizonans first.

Economic Revival: Arizona’s Growth Engine

Under the Biden-Harris administration, Arizona’s economy—like much of the nation—has been battered by inflation, rising taxes, and crushing regulations. Yet under President Trump, Arizona thrived. The facts don’t lie: Trump’s administration created over 7 million jobs nationally, achieved the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, and saw wages rise for the first time in decades. Manufacturing returned to the U.S., including right here in Arizona, after years of being outsourced under prior administrations.

Small business owners have told me how hard the last few years have been under Biden. But they remember the growth they experienced under Trump, when Kari Lake was standing up for common-sense policies, and Arizona Republicans controlled the state government, keeping our economy fiscally sound. We need that leadership back.

Our plan for economic revival is clear: cut taxes, reduce regulations, and unleash the entrepreneurial spirit that powers Arizona’s economy. This is about real people, particularly women, who have been disproportionately impacted by the Biden economy. My campaign has always polled well with women because I speak directly to their concerns. Together, with the Arizona Republican Party unified, we will deliver economic growth that benefits every Arizonan.

Unity is Our Strength: A Republican Arizona

The Arizona Republican Party is more unified than ever, and that unity is our greatest strength. With leaders like Kari Lake, Doug Ducey, and myself standing together, we’re showing the people of Arizona that we have one mission: to deliver results and defend the values that matter most to Arizonans. Governor Ducey’s endorsement of Kari Lake and President Trump is proof of this unity. We are all rallying behind the same cause, knowing that a strong, united front is the key to victory in 2024.

My campaign proved that knowing your voters and fighting for them with courage and conviction is what wins elections. Now, we are taking that same fight to the next level. With grassroots support and a clear focus on the issues that matter—border security, economic revival, and conservative values—Arizona Republicans are ready to win big.

The Future is Ours

The Democrats’ desperate attempts to copy Trump’s playbook will fail because they lack the authenticity and resolve that define our movement. As Kari Lake and I stand with President Trump, we’re not just fighting for a win in 2024—we’re fighting for the future of Arizona and America. Arizona voters know what’s at stake, and they’re ready to stand with us.

The pathway to victory is clear, and with a unified Republican Party, we will achieve it. We are happy warriors, and we will fight for every Arizonan with the courage, conviction, and determination needed to win. The future is ours, and we will lead Arizona to victory in 2024.

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