Paramilitary forces surrounded Khan after he entered court and he was arrested. Police report five police officers have been injured and 43 protesters arrested.

Footage shows paramilitary forces breaking into the court to arrest Khan.

Mr Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has called on its supporters to protest. In the hours since he was detained, violence has been reported from a number of cities including Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar.

On the streets of Islamabad, hundreds of protesters blocked one of the main highways in and out of the capital.

People pulled down street signs and parts of overpasses, lit fires and threw stones. During the hour or so that the BBC was there, no police or authorities were visible.

Protesters said they were angry about Imran Khan’s arrest.

“This is absolutely the last straw,” said Farida Roedad.

“What else can we do? What else is there left in Pakistan? We have never said a word against the army, I wish we had.

“Let there be anarchy, let there be chaos. If there is no Imran, there’s nothing left in Pakistan. No one is there to take over.”

Protestors have taken to the streets across the country to protest the arrest.

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