SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) – As demolition crews begin work at the future site of a new men’s prison in rural Lincoln County, state lawmakers and neighbors continue to ask questions.

In this session, the legislature will decide whether to authorize the final funding for the construction of a new men’s prison, a project that has a maximum price of $825 million.

Thursday crews were seen removing trees and preparing Lincoln County land to be the site of a new state penitentiary. While state lawmakers and neighbors of the site were learning more about the plans in Pierre.
Kyah Broders, a Canton resident, says moving the prison to Lincoln County would make it more difficult for medical personnel to service prisoners.

“When we do talk about that further environmental study. What will that look like? Because obviously, not only being a close neighbor to that proximity, knowing that lights and sirens will now be a huge factor,” Broders said.

Department of Corrections Secretary, Kellie Wasko responded.

“We’ll handle everything that we can. Yes, if we have a heart attack, we’re going to call an ambulance. We’re talking 10 to 15 miles at most. Springfield is farther from Yankton, in the middle of a cornfield with neighbors adjacent right across the street,” Wasko said.
People also asked state officials, when the current demolition was approved.

“I was getting texts from people that live around the building that they have just demolished a 100-year-old barn that was in perfect condition. And I’m trying to figure out what gave them the authority to do that,” Senator for District 16 including Lincoln, Turner and Union counties, Kevin Jensen said.
Representative Tony Venhuizen of Sioux Falls, says approval of planning and site preparation came from House Bill 1017 that passed in 2023.

New lawmakers were also among those asking questions about the new men’s prison site. You can read in more detail, “New lawmakers have questions about men’s prison” by KELOLAND’s Rae Yost.

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