Saturday, May 14, 2022 | 2 a.m.
The Puritans are still with us. Only one thing animates the “right to life” — otherwise known as the “denial of citizenship rights to females” — movement. That is the overwhelming fear, antipathy and anxiety reactionary conservatives have toward unauthorized sexual activity, and male conservatives have toward any woman who is not adequately subservient.
If all sex for pleasure were eliminated, they imagine abortion would be unnecessary. They are extremist, naïve fools. Justice Sammy Alito’s primary mission in life is to eliminate all sexual activity which does not conform to neurotically pure doctrinal religious standards.
The Supreme Court justices carefully selected to overrule Roe v. Wade are there to do God’s work, which is to permit only authorized sex as defined and dictated by the church. It is about “wives obey your husband” and a paternalism that long preceded the medieval period.
All the right-wing hysteria about LGBTQ rights and abortion is solely directed toward satisfying the urgent need of super-moralistic, ultra-judgmental Christo-fascist control freaks to impose their pathological beliefs to save the wretched and sinful people of the world from themselves. They are the American version of the Taliban. They would severely punish a girl who has an abortion and look the other way when the person who impregnated her is a family member who has committed incest.
These authoritarian voyeurs will be in every bedroom in America if not stopped in their tracks now.