Conservative champion Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, is the man liberal elites in the west love to hate.

Called autocratic, ‘far-right’, ‘Putin apologist’, and many other ‘bad names’ that the leftist and Globalist use to muddy one’s reputation, Orbán is unrelenting, speaking his mind and acting to back his words.

Now, Orbán has announced that Hungary will seek to ‘opt out’ of any NATO operations aimed at supporting Ukraine.

Orbán went as far as suggesting that the military alliance and the European Union want a more direct conflict with Russia.

Associated Press reported:

“Orbán told state radio that Hungary opposes a plan NATO is weighing to provide more predictable military support to Ukraine in coming years to repel Moscow’s full-scale invasion, as better armed Russian troops assert control on the battlefield.

‘We do not approve of this, nor do we want to participate in financial or arms support (for Ukraine), even within the framework of NATO’, Orbán said, adding that Hungary has taken a position as a ‘nonparticipant’ in any potential NATO operations to assist Kyiv.

‘We’ve got to redefine our position within the military alliance, and our lawyers and officers are working on … how Hungary can exist as a NATO member while not participating in NATO actions outside of its territory’, he said.”

Read: CONSERVATIVE CHAMPIONS: Trump Meets Hungarian PM Orbán at Mar-a-Lago – Populist Leaders Plan the Post-Biden World

Orbán mentioned the seemingly forgotten fact of NATO’s role as a DEFENSIVE alliance.

He doesn’t share the concerns of some neighboring countries of Russian continuing military aggression.

“’NATO’s strength cannot be compared to that of Ukraine’, he said. ‘I don’t consider it a logical proposition that Russia, which cannot even deal with Ukraine, will come all of a sudden and swallow up the whole Western world’.”

Hungary has refused to supply Ukraine with military aid.

Read: ‘The EU Leadership Has Got to Go’: Hungarian PM Orbán Kicks off Campaign for European Elections With a Call to ‘Occupy Brussels’

Politico reported:

“‘Now a new term has been invented to describe the Hungarian position in NATO, it is called non-participation. We are not a participant now’, Orbán said in an interview with Kossuth Radio, according to a report by Hungarian news portal Telex.

‘There is the term opt-out. If we were opt-outs, our participation in NATO’s military structure, our position, would change’, Orbán was quoted as saying.”

He said lawyers are working out a way for Hungary to exist as a member of NATO and not have to participate in the alliance’s action outside NATO territory.

“‘There’s no question of NATO getting involved in wars outside its territory, with non-NATO countries’, Orbán was quoted as saying.”

Orbán has been a frequent dissident voice in EU votes that require the consensus of the bloc’s 27 countries.

“‘How many more weapons will we send? How much more money will we send?’ Orbán asked in the interview. ‘This gives rise to the darkest visions’, he said.

‘What is happening today in Brussels and Washington — perhaps more in Brussels than in Washington — is a kind of mood of preparation for a possible direct military conflict; we can safely call it: preparation for Europe to go to war’, Orbán warned in the interview.”

Read more:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Endorses Trump: “It is Time for Another Make America Great Again” (VIDEO)

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