One Nation — a super PAC aligned with GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell — said it’s starting a $7.5 million buy in Wisconsin targeting U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin.

AdImpact previously tracked $5.6 million in reservations from One Nation starting this week through the November election. The group didn’t immediately respond to an email seeking clarification on whether the $7.5 million is a new buy or the total spend through Nov. 5.

The group said the effort will run on broadcast and cable TV, radio and digital platforms. 

The new spot focuses on immigration with the narrator highlighting the case of a man in the country illegally who was arrested for battery in Madison and instead of being deported, was released and assaulted several more women, including a 13-year-old girl.

The narrator says Baldwin voted nine times to support federal funding for sanctuary cities and 11 times for amnesty.

“Tell Senator Baldwin, stop protecting illegal immigrants and start protecting Wisconsin,” the narrator says to close the spot.

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