SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Everyone was expecting Biden vs. Trump in the November Presidential election. Over the weekend, that changed when President Joe Biden announced he was stepping aside and endorsing his Vice President Kamala Harris.

KELOLAND News talked with someone who knows a lot about presidential politics. Steve Hildebrand of Sioux Falls was Barack Obama’s Deputy National Campaign Manager during the 2008 presidential campaign. He says all indications are that Vice President Kamala Harris will carry the torch for the Democratic party in the race for the White House, after receiving President Biden’s endorsement. The former political strategist believes Harris has a 99 percent chance of being the Democratic Presidential Nominee. He has met both President Biden and Vice President Harris and says Biden’s decision to step away is the right one.

“Voters were telling him and Donald Trump, we are beyond you. We are ready to turn the page, and so having President Biden step aside was absolutely necessary for our ability to win the election,” said Hildebrand. “But I also believe we stand a much better chance of winning because voters were very clear and have been very clear we are ready to go beyond the Biden-Trump exhaustion.”

Biden’s age is an issue for many voters. Hildebrand says age now becomes former president Trump’s burden.

“He can say what he wants about Joe Biden’s age. This guy will be the oldest candidate ever to run for president now that Joe Biden has stepped aside,” said Hildebrand. “So he can criticize Joe Biden for his age, well he’s got the same problem.”

Hildebrand says any campaign needs grassroots excitement to get it over the top, and he believes Harris can generate that excitement in the next 105 days.

“It’s not that people in our party didn’t absolutely love Joe Biden as I did, but we are ready to turn the page,” said Hildebrand.

Hildebrand says it is time for the next generation to lead this country.

“As someone who has been in politics for a lot of years, I looked at the polls two years ago, that people were very clear they wanted him to retire,” said Hildebrand. “They did not want him to run for another term. They want a new generation, and frankly, voters were telling him and Donald Trump, we’re beyond you. We are ready to turn the page.”

Hildebrand says the shortened campaign may be advantageous for Harris, giving the other side less time to mount a negative campaign. He believes Harris can go toe-to-toe with Donald Trump on any issue.

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