SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Former South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has traveled the country and has made herself the face of the Trump Administration’s war on illegal immigration. Monday she was at the southern border with Mexico talking with the media.

Since being sworn in as Secretary of Homeland Security, Noem has been on ICE raids in New York, ridden horses along the southern border, attended the Super Bowl and flown in planes. Monday, Noem was at the border of Mexico inspecting a section where the U.S. is continuing to build a wall.

“As you can see we mean business,” said Noem pointing at the wall. “We are building wall, we are securing our borders and we are not going to let this illegal activity continue.”

Noem says much of her efforts are targeting the cartels, which she says are more sophisticated than people think.

“When people think of the cartels of the past, they just think of street violence, they are using apps, drones, technology and partnering with other enemies of the united states to conduct human trafficking, drug smuggling but also money laundering. They are more sophisticated and they are getting more and more violent,” said Noem.

After her time at the border in Arizona, Noem flew to Washington DC to attended today’s cabinet meeting with the president.

“It’s great,” said Trump looking at Noem. “If you might Madam Secretary say a little bit about what’s happening and how well we’ve done at the border.”

“So this last week I was in Arizona, California, Alaska and Florida,” said Noem. “And CBP, literally has almost 100% operational control the border which means that our country is secure and that we know who’s coming into this country and that they love our country and they want to help keep it great into the future.”

It is clear South Dakota’s once-governor is staying busy serving as the 8th Secretary of Homeland Security. Noem has a wide range of responsibility, from counterterrorism and cybersecurity to enforcement of our immigration laws.

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