An apartment on the second floor of a 6-unit condominium building on the 15300 Block of Treetop Drive in Orland Park was seriously damaged by fire Saturday morning.

The Orland Fire Protection District said in a news release firefighters responded to a report at 11:30 a.m. and quickly brought it under control.

There were no injuries, officials said. Firefighters rescued two cats from the apartment.

Crews located the fire in a second-floor unit, deployed hose lines and brought the fire under control while searching and helping evacuate residents from the other units, the release said.

The alarm was upgraded to bring other departments to the scene for assistance and provide coverage to areas of the fire district where station crews had been deployed to the fire.

The fire was contained to the affected unit, though several other units had smoke and water damage, officials said.

The cause and origin of this fire remained under investigation Saturday night, officials said. The Orland Fire Protection District was assisted by firefighters from Lemont, Palos, Tinley, Homer, Frankfort and Lockport.

Firefighters view damage from a blaze Jan. 31, 2025, to a condominium in the 15300 Block of Treetop Lane in Orland Park (Orland Fire Protection District)
Firefighters view damage from a blaze Jan. 31, 2025, to a condominium in the 15300 Block of Treetop Lane in Orland Park (Orland Fire Protection District)

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