SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — We have new information concerning the body that was found over the weekend in western Sioux Falls.

Authorities say in the past 24 hours they’ve gotten phone calls and other leads as to why 35-year-old Cassandra Shields would have been in that area on a bitterly cold winter night.

“We are really focused on how she got there and who she was hanging around with the last couple of days, probably from Friday on,” Captain Josh Phillips with the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s office said.

Captain Josh Phillips with the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s office says they began getting calls almost immediately after Tuesday’s press conference.

One call in particular said she knew that stretch of road on Madison Street pretty well.

“She had been to that area; was seen maybe walking her dog in that area before, maybe don’t know her by name, but had seen her in the area,” Phillips said.

Captain Phillips says Shields had a cell phone on her, but doesn’t know at this time if she tried calling anyone for a ride or help. Right now, they’re waiting on cell phone records and other evidence that could be helpful in the investigation.

“Hopefully we continue to get phone calls, we are able to process forensic evidence; cell phone and other things and canvas the area whether it’s cameras, ring doorbell cameras and put all that together and paint the picture of what all transpired prior to us arriving,” Phillips said.

Phillips says while her death appears to be caused by exposure, but they are still waiting on an autopsy report, so they can’t rule out foul play.

“Can’t rule that out, not saying that happened, but in investigations like this sometimes it’s easy to go down a rabbit hole and say this is what happened, if we do that we are going to get ourselves into trouble if we just go narrow blinders on, so I’ve done this 20 years you’ve got to be open-minded and let all the facts come in and get as many as you can before you make a determination,” Phillips said.

If you have any information you’re asked to call the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office or Crimestoppers.

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