SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) – Visitors can expect even more cats roaming around inside in The Cattitude Café. But not until its dishes, refrigerator and dishwasher are sold.

“We’re opening it up into a second cat room area. The other room’s going to be a little bit more quiet, a little more calm. We’re going to do it for 14 plus for the age,” The Cattitude Café owner, Heather Wendlandt said.

Wendlandt says the decision to transform the kitchen area to an additional cat room was so more cats could be adopted, as food sales are not the main attraction at the cafe.

“We’ve just been noticing more and more, especially on weekends. We start running on three, four or five-hour waits for the cat room. And we’re starting to see it be fuller and fuller and fuller. Unfortunately, people just aren’t sticking around for those three or four hours for the food,” Wendlandt said.

Currently, the cafe has 14 cats available for adoption, however, the added room looks to double that number.

Sioux Falls Area Humane Society’s foster coordinator and kennel supervisor, Lexy Nuttbrock says since the cafe opened in July 2023, over 400 cats have been able to find their forever home.

“With us being able to put more cats over here, we’re also able to help the community more and help other rescues. So we have been taking cats from our rescue partners and making sure they have enough kennel space. Even so, all together we work on saving everybody,” Nuttbrock said.

Coffee and desserts will still be available to purchase. As for the food, it’ll serve limited menu items for one more week.

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