The 1/6 Select Committee showed never before seen footage of the domestic terrorists right outside of the House doors during the first January 6th Committee hearing on Thursday evening.


This video was played shortly after Vice Chair Republican Liz Cheney revealed that “the White House was receiving specific reports in the days leading up to January 6th, including during President Trump’s ellipse rally indicating that the elements in the crowd were preparing for violence in the Capitol.”

Liz Cheney also said that Trump oversaw and coordinated a sophisticated plot to overturn the election.

The Select Committee has two Republican members. It could have had more, Speaker Pelosi wanted a bipartisan panel on par with the 9/11 committee. However, due to the issue that several Republicans were under investigation by the committee, the Speaker had to reject them as members. Unable to stack the deck with his Trumpsters, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy took his toys and went home.

The Committee has spent nearly a year investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

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