Dear Eric: I have a mid-20s nephew who appears to be afflicted with a severe case of failure-to-launch syndrome. He dropped out of college after six months, moved in with his mom (my sister), only interacts with peers via gaming and comes across as utterly apathetic and disengaged from the world.

There was a ray of hope when he went back to school and got an associate degree, but he has taken very few steps in the intervening year to find a job in his field. I offered – and he accepted – some resume/job hunting support. But after spending many hours patiently and sensitively trying to help him (I have experience here and feel I did a pretty good job), I came to the realization that none of it is being absorbed or acted upon.

Other family members and I are deeply worried about his trajectory and feel at a total loss as to how to help. It is a very sensitive subject with my sister, who is dealing with her own issues, and I don’t know how or whether to approach her with my concerns. I would love your thoughts.

– Concerned Aunt

Dear Aunt: Sharing your concerns with your sister may be less helpful than expressing support and helping her find potential solutions. You’ve already started down this road, of course, with the job-hunting help for your nephew. But I worry that telling your sister about problems she’s likely already aware of will add more to her burden instead of lightening it.

It would be wise of your sister to talk with her son about getting a job, paying rent to her, and discussing with him his vision for his life. You can coach her through this conversation. But your first priority should be checking in to see how you can help her in other ways.

You mention that she’s going through her own issues. A good first step is just letting her know that you see how much she’s carrying, and you want to be of assistance. Perhaps that assistance is just listening. Perhaps it’s providing support around the house. Perhaps it’s helping her search for a therapist or helping your nephew to search for a therapist or mentor.

Listening is going to go a lot farther than reminding her of another thing she should be concerned about. And, by listening, you may discover another path to help your nephew move through this phase.

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