From playground accidents to flu season, school nurses are an important part of keeping kids safe and healthy at school. Not all schools have access to a full-time school nurse, so if your school does have this valuable resource, it’s something to celebrate. National School Nurse Day is the time to shine the light on what school nurses contribute each day.

What is National School Nurse Day?

School nurses have duties that teachers may never see—managing vaccination requirements, supervising the care of students with complex medical needs, screening students and sometimes diagnosing chronic health conditions, and assessing students who are hurt during school hours. All of this work makes it easier for teachers to do their jobs and keep more kids in school. National School Nurse Day is the day set aside to recognize all the work school nurses do each day.

When is National School Nurse Day?

Wednesday May 8, 2024, is National School Nurse Day. The day has been celebrated since 1972, when the day was set aside to encourage a better understanding of what school nurses do. It happens during National Nurses Week, May 6-12.

10 Ways To Celebrate National School Nurse Day

1. Set up treats and snacks

snacks on a table that have a nurse theme. life savers. thermometers made out of pretzels.
Annie Robanske via Pinterest

Set up a table of snacks for teachers to take outside the nurse’s office. Encourage staff to either thank the nurse or introduce themselves. School nurses may feel like their own department, so take this opportunity to bring the school staff together. These thermometer pretzels and nurse-themed candies are adorable, but any fun snacks will do.

2. Use social media to spread the love

happy national school nurse day social media post with four nurses' faces on it
Storm Lake Community School District

Your school community may not be familiar with your school nurse, so take National School Nurse Day to highlight your nurse on social media.

3. Create a class book

page of a book with writing lines . i am stuck on you.
Sarah Chesworth

Show your school nurse the impact they have with student memories, stories, and notes in this Stuck on You book. Have each student complete a thank-you note page, then put them together into an appreciation.

Get it: Printable book at Sarah Chesworth

4. Restock the supply cabinet

nurse supplies band aid box medicine candy bar lost tooth containers

Have students collect supplies, or assign classes to focus on specific supplies, to restock the nurse’s cabinet. After all, what kindergartner doesn’t want to choose bandages for the school nurse?

5. Donate to a cause

Raise money and make a gift to an organization that’s important to your school nurse. Once all the money is raised, make the donation in their name.

6. Decorate the school

bulletin board for national school nurse day
Hillbilly Mansion via Pinterest

Decorate the school with bulletin boards about the school nurse and their contributions. The bulletin boards can be focused on humor, health, or gratitude. Your school nurse will appreciate seeing the school hallways come to life with healthy creativity.

7. Write thank-you notes

card for school nurse with a band aid on it
Addicted to Cardmaking

Homemade and handwritten cards are a wonderful way to say thank you. Here are two Band-Aid-inspired ideas.

gift card with a band aid on it for an idea for national school nurse day
How Wee Learn

8. Create a stuck-on-you gratitude wall

Use this Band-Aid template for students to write their favorite school nurse memory or appreciation. Have each student complete a Band-Aid appreciation, and cover the nurse’s door or wall with them.

Get a printable Band-Aid template.

9. Decorate the nurse’s door

nurse joni heals with loving hands school nurse door
Sherrie Mayhan via Pinterest

Decorate the nurse’s door, and add student-made posters to fill the office with appreciation.

10. Find the perfect gift

nurse themed pens

We love these cute nursing pens that make writing notes home or signing forms so much more fun.

Buy it: Nursing pens

RN registered nurse badge

Add sparkle to scrubs with this badge holder.

Buy it: Retractable Glitter Badge Holder

personalized office sign for nurse's office

Personalize this welcoming door sign that would work on any office door.

Buy it: Personalized Welcome Sign

Check out more perfect gift ideas for support staff.

How are you celebrating National School Nurse Day? Share in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, check out these Free Printable Thank-You Cards.

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