
July 10, 2024
Arizona Board of Regents
2700 N. Central Ave. #400
Phoenix, AZ 85004

RE:  Voter, Taxpayer input on next UA Prez; DON’T MAKE IT A TRIFECTA OF LOSERS (i.e. Hart & Robbins)

Dear ABOR Regents,

OK, you’ve had 2 swings and 2 misses, this is your last opportunity.

The number one characteristic of the next University of Arizona Prez has got to be:  CHANGE AGENT.  And they have to have done it before in convincing fashion.  Especially with a self-entitled, pampered faculty, and a bloated administration.

Why?  Because aside from all the current administration screwups, UA is facing 2 gigantic challenges:

  1. Their abject failure, as the state’s federal land-grant institution, to get Arizona more water, not just preach to us about conservation and more control bureaucracy.   We demand solutions that push the university’s capabilities forward, such as innovative ways to desalinate & share Baja seawater with Mexico, using new technologies now under development.   They have failed-failed-failed in this vital statewide challenge;knowing full-well it was coming at least 2 decades ago.
  1. Their present lackadaisical approach to the incoming “planet-killer” of A.I. on 80%+ of their entire educational operating model by 2030.   Its effects on today’s standard university practices will be nothing short of gunpowder’s effects on medieval castles.  More than anything else, AI’s imminent arrival in higher education absolutely cries out for a change agent of supreme talent and vision, one up to the task.  I suggest your consultants look at younger, more vigorous, more tech and commercialization savvy candidates.   Ones now in lower level administrative positionswho have very thick skin, and are not afraid to LAY PEOPLE OFF, and CANCEL ENTIRE CURRICULA, and ELIMINATE ENTIRE DEPARTMENTS.   The phrase, “mailed fist in the velvet glove” comes to mind.

Don’t screw-up Prez-pick #3 here, or the Legislature (my #1 fanbase) will be hearing from me on your roles & responsibilities every month.

William T. Sellers, Jr.

CC: Toma, Petersen, Pingerelli, Bennett  AZ Legislature

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