A mother and son received their high school diplomas and were able to graduate together through a free, online LA County program.

Eduardo Ramirez, 26, and his mom Margarita wore their caps and gowns as they attended their graduation ceremony together. 

The two earned their high school diploma through a free, online high school program that is run by LA County libraries. 

Rodriguez said he had delayed his education to help take care of his grandparents, and it was thanks to his family’s motivation that he went back to finish.

“I sacrificed large amounts of time just sitting at a computer, just working as hard as I can to get the courses done, but, you know, those sacrifices that I made I know at the end of the day were a thousand percent worth it,” Rodriguez said. “I don’t regret it at all, now I’m set forward with my life.”

With his new diploma and a career certificate, Rodriguez got a job as an aircraft electrician with Northrop Grumman.

He hopes to inspire others to sign up for the LA County library program where you can take classes at your own pace and academic advisers are available to help.

Rodriguez reminds others that it’s never too late to get started.

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