At Thursday’s (July 10th) meeting of the Mobridge City Council, Jerod Klabunde of Moore Engineering gave the Council updates on projects in the Water/Wastewater Department.  On the wastewater system, Klabunde said the eleven-month warranty walk-through was completed last month on the headworks project…

On the wastewater treatment plant rehabilitation project, Klabunde said the funding is in place, and they’re working through some modifications to the plan…

Regarding the water system projects…

Klabunde says the old water tower by the school will be demolished next week…

Klabunde said the public is welcome to watch the demolition, but to stay back from the cranes doing the work.

Klabunde said there is a construction contingency budget on the project…

On the water treatment plant project, bidding on equipment installation is this month…

Klabunde told the Council that the water intake plans have been approved and sent to FEMA but not ready for bidding on the project yet…

Also at Thursday’s meeting, Council approved the installation of an MYO scoreboard.  They also approved new Fire Department member Rocky Good Shield, and adjusted wages for Fire Department members assisting with wildland fires.   For the Police Department, Ashton Norder was approved as a part-time as-needed police officer as of July 10th, and Dispatcher Katelyn Keller was approved for a step increase.

Public hearing was held and approval given for the transfer of a retail, on-sale liquor license from KT’s Fireside to KB Hospitality doing business as Bingers Bar & Grill.

The 2023 audit is available online.

There were 10 building permits issued in the last month totaling $55,800.

Mayor Gene Cox read a code enforcement update from Mike Nehls…





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