Joint statement from Common Council Members: Common Council President/Alderman José G. Pérez, Alderwoman Chantia Lewis, Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa, Alderman Michael J. Murphy, Alderman Mark A. Borkowski, and Alderman Scott Spiker.

Today we voted with all of our colleagues in approving a framework contract that provides accountability while moving the city closer to hosting the 2024 Republican National Convention.

Specifically, we added key provisions that will ensure Milwaukee is protected should the city be selected to host the 2024 RNC:

  • That the City and Host Committee shall engage in a good faith effort to come to an agreement under which the Host Committee shall provide to the City funding consistent with the dollar amount normally provided to a host city after previous in-person Republican National Conventions, adjusted for inflation, to be used by the City for programs relating to housing, higher education and workforce development.
  • That appropriate City officials and representatives of the Host Committee shall report to the Common Council the status of negotiations, plan development and event funding on a quarterly basis.

The potential economic benefits to the city – especially for businesses and workers negatively impacted by the pandemic (the hospitality industry, restaurants and entertainment venues) – are very positive, significant, and uplifting. Importantly, we will be working continuously to ensure these economic benefits reach individuals and businesses across the entire city.

If we are selected to host the convention, it will be a huge win-win for the city, and we will show the world what Milwaukee has to offer, and why we are a great destination for every reason and occasion.

We are proud to take this important step today – one that gets us closer to hosting the 2024 RNC – all while ensuring an accountable and equitable outcome for the City of Milwaukee.

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