INDIANAPOLIS — Jennifer McCormick, the Democratic candidate for Indiana governor, has released her Commonsense Cannabis Legalization Plan calling for the legalization of cannabis in a “responsible and well-regulated industry.”

McCormick’s plan focuses on five key components to create a framework for the Hoosier state to transition to “full adult-use cannabis.” The gubernatorial candidate’s plan discusses the economic and social benefits the Hoosier state would receive by legalizing marijuana for medical use before transitioning to recreational purposes for all eligible adults.

“Indiana is an island of prohibition surrounded by states with legal cannabis industries,” said McCormick. “By taking a responsible, phased approach, we can ensure that our state is prepared for full adult-use legalization while immediately providing relief through medical marijuana.”

The plan calls for the creation of the Indiana Cannabis Commission, which would be responsible for overseeing all regulatory facets of the legal cannabis industry to ensure it is adhering to safety standards.

“This independent body will help Indiana develop a well-regulated cannabis market, protecting Hoosiers and ensuring transparency as the state transitions to full legalization,” the plan reads.

The plan calls for a transition to medical marijuana to “allow Indiana to address potential challenges and learn from the experiences of other states before moving to full adult use.”

Although the plan primarily focuses on a pathway toward the legalization of medical marijuana, McCormick shared her vision for a phased approach toward recreational marijuana to keep the cannabis market, in her own words, “well-regulated and effective.”

The plan also focuses on the growing issue related to hemp-derived THC products that are currently unregulated, including Delta 8, that can be purchased at gas stations and smoke shops around Indiana.

While the plan doesn’t delve into specific details, it does provide a focus on regulating these substances to protect Hoosiers.

Lastly, the plan highlights the economic effects McCormick believes Indiana would experience if it were to legalize adult-use cannabis. The plan estimates that tax revenues could reach $172 million every year.

With every neighboring state, including most recently Ohio, making some moves to legalize marijuana, Indiana finds itself on the outside looking in when it comes to the debate.

This is despite repeated studies showing that an overwhelming majority of Hoosiers would support legislation legalizing marijuana.

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