SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — There is an update on a federal court case dating back to December 11th, 2023. That’s when the search of a suitcase at an Omaha bus station turned up approximately 9,000 fentanyl pills that were on their way to Sioux Falls. It also led to the arrest of 23-year-old Meron Kalili Woldu.

“I had just made a trip to Arizona and picked up approximately 9,000 pills containing fentanyl that I intended to take to Sioux Falls and redistribute there.”

Factual Basis Statement

On Wednesday, more than a year after the drug bust, Woldu entered a guilty plea at the federal courthouse in Sioux Falls.

Woldu admitted being part of a drug conspiracy and distributing 400 grams or more of a mixture containing fentanyl. According to a Factual Basis Statement, he would get the pills in Arizona and bring them to South Dakota for people to sell.

Woldu is scheduled to be sentenced on June 23rd.

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