Former Rep. Liz Cheney’s PAC The Great Task will air an ad calling Trump unfit and a national security risk during his CNN town hall.


Cheney narrates the ad and says:

Donald Trump is the only President in American history who has refused to guarantee the peaceful transfer of power. He lost the election and he knew it to become the president he betrayed millions of Americans by telling them the election was stolen stop this he ignored the rulings of dozens of courts.

Rather than accept his defeat, he mobilized a mob to come to Washington and March on the Capitol then he watched on television while the mob attacked law enforcement, invaded the Capitol and hunted the vice president.

He refused for three hours to tell the mob to leave there has never been a greater dereliction of Duty by any president. Trump was warned repeatedly that his plans for January 6 were illegal. He didn’t care and today he celebrates those who attacked our Capitol.

Donald Trump has proven he is unfit for office. Donald Trump is a risk America can never take again.

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 CNN is trying to normalize Donald Trump by giving him a nationally televised town hall, but Liz Cheney is going to be right there to remind viewers that Donald Trump is a violent insurrectionist who tried to overthrow the United States government.

What Trump did after the 2020 election should follow him around everywhere he goes for the rest of his life.

Donald Trump is unfit for office and voters must always be reminded of the damage that he did to the country.

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