SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Spring cleanup is in full swing for a lawn and landscaping business.

“Our phones are blowing up,” The Yard Barbers Owner Bo Berke said.

From trimming to raking, to mowing, crews with the Yard Barbers are busy getting properties ready for the warmer months ahead.

“We go see what kind of shrubs are on the property, grasses, perennials, all that type of thing. We come in, we’ll shape them up, trim them up, it’s ready to go for the spring growth it will have. And in these landscape beds, there’s all this grass, leaves, debris in there, sticks that’s fallen from trees, we’ll come in, blow those out, clean it up,” Berke said.

The Yard Barbers started this spring cleanup last week, which is ahead of schedule.

“Usually we start April 15th, but obviously with the winter we had that’s kind of shot in the dark,” Berke said.

The Yard Barbers, which also offers snow removal, is coming off a mild winter in KELOLAND.

“We had a lot of guys standing around, washing equipment, but we’re ready. We’re excited, most energy we’ve had in a long time,” Berke said.

Like many lawn and landscaping businesses, they’re hoping that energy continues through the summer.

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