ELROY, Wisc. — Governor Tommy G. Thompson announced today that he has endorsed Brittany Kinser in the race for Wisconsin State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Thompson said, “Brittany Kinser is a beacon of hope in a landscape of failures across Wisconsin’s schools that harm our children and grandchildren’s ability to thrive and survive in an increasingly complicated world and challenging employment environment. Third graders can’t read at grade level, and college students aren’t prepared to learn – and think critically. Wisconsin must have a new kind of leadership to give children and educators a chance to succeed. New leadership is necessary at an agency that has lost its way. DPI has long been guided by partisan bias, which has harmed the work of teaching kids to read, write, and do math. Brittany has my vote on April 1. I hope you will join me.”

Kinser responded to the endorsement and said, “I have long admired Governor Thompson’s record as a dynamic and fearless leader and an education reformer who was always willing to work across the aisle to do what’s best for Wisconsin — especially its kids. I thank the Governor, am honored to receive his endorsement, and am determined to win not just this election but the fight for our children’s future.”

For more information about Governor Tommy G. Thompson, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Thompson.

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