SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) – March Madness is getting underway.

Here at KELOLAND Media Group that means we have some programming notes for you. Men’s basketball games are set to get underway at 11 a.m. CT Thursday. 

That means you can watch Midday in KELOLAND at noon on KELOXTRA and KELOLAND+.

KELOLAND’s First@4 could be delayed. It will get underway as soon as the afternoon games wrap up. 

You’ll be able to watch KELOLAND News at 5 on KELO-TV. It will be immediately followed by KELOLAND News at 6.

You can also watch KELOLAND News at 5 and KELOLAND News at 6 on KELOXTRA and KELOLAND+.

KELOLAND News at 10 will air on time on KELOXTRA and KELOLAND+.

If you’re watching the game, you can watch the news on KELO-TV as soon as NCAA coverage wraps up.

On Friday, the schedule is the same with games impacting Midday in KELOLAND and possibly First@4.

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